21 Day Cleanse

The Approachable Ayurveda 21 Day Cleanse is a customized reset, tailored to an individual's constitution and lifestyle. The program includes a 60 minute online consultation with Stefanie Boucher, Ayurveda Counselor, nutrition and food guides, movement and meditation recommendations, and other resources to support the cleanse process.

Reasons To Cleanse

  • Reduces seasonal allergies and inflammation

  • Eliminates fatigue and brain fog

  • Promotes weight loss and mobility

  • Improves skin and hair health

  • Regulates appetite and bowel movements

  • Increases mental clarity and connection 

The 21 Day Cleanse Includes:

60 minute consult with Stefanie Boucher, certified Ayurveda Counselor

Daily access to support during 3 week cleanse period

Nutrition and food guide with recipes and shopping lists

Movement recommendations and free online classes

Meditation recommendations and free online sessions

Dinacharya lifestyle suggestions for morning and evening

Discount codes and links


  • "I started out looking for a program that would help me lose the holiday weight and get back in shape. What I found with Stefanie was so much more. Through her Ayurveda program I not only lost more weight than I have ever lost in the month of January but more importantly I was mentally strong. I felt healthy, happy and fit."

    -Kim, Chief Sales Officer